Pill with patient monitoring chip approved by FDA
The first-ever “digital pill” has been approved for use in the U.S., which has a built-in sensor that tracks a patient’s intake of medication. But the electronics in the tablet allow for much more. FDA’s decision has stirred controversy because of the potential for patient surveillance.
The Food and Drug Administration in (Food and Drug Administration, FDA) made the historic decision to approve for use in the U.S. the so-called “digital pill”. „digital pill”. FDA tasks focus m.in. wok ł food control, lek in whether medical devices marketed in the US. The agency is known for its rigorous approach, which is why its positive opinion for a product is considered a kind of quality marker in many countries around the world.
The Abilify MyCite pill, which is approved for use, has a feature that tracks whether patients are taking their medications and controls the timing of their administration. The digital pill also collects other medical data, such as the dose of medication administered, the patient’s heart rate, sleep data and physical activity levels. Collected in this way b information patients will be able to voluntarily share with their doctor or family members or caregivers.
Abilify MyCite has a built-in microscopic sensor made of silicon, copper and magnesium. „Smart pill” has been approved for the treatment of mental disorders such as schizophrenia or bipolar affective disorder in combination with antidepressants.
– Tracking drug intake in prescribed for mental illness can be useful for some rych patient. FDA supports development of j and the use of new technologies in drug in prescription and is committed to supporting laborate with companies to understand how to b technology could benefit patients and prescribers – said Mitchell Mathis of the FDA.
The sensors in the pill activate when they come into contact with stomach acid and with the help of a sticker on the left side of the chest „patches”, begin to transmit signal. The chest-glued device, in turn, connects to smartphone apps via Bluetooth technology, transmitting the information collected by the pill.
Manufacturers of Abilify MyCite m tie about its pills that it „The first digital medical system” and, they say, will make it easier for caregivers to objectively monitor patients’ compliance with medical recommendations. The costs of not following doctors’ recommendations on the use of medicaid was estimated in the U.S. at about 105 billion dollar annually.
However, the FDA’s decision has caused considerable controversy. Commentators wonder what such a pill could mean for patient privacy. There are many opportunities for potential abuse that the use of such technology brings with it. The first, kt re comes to mind are sanctions for the patient in those not receiving the drug In, but there are also concerns that insurance companies or authorities will mandate the use of such pills, which could undermine a patient’s ability to make his or her own medical decisions and reduce trust in public institutions.
Widespread use of such technology could also make sensitive medical information patient will be more susceptible to hacking attacks. They appear also ethical and civil rights questions and concerns about whether it is actually in the patient’s interest to track pill ingestion.
Waiting in line for FDA approval are other „digital pills”. For example, a vital function sensor developed at the famed Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Such technology can help c doctors to diagnose diseases much faster and in an easier way b.
Health monitoring from inside a patient’s body could open new avenues in diagnostics, significantly reduce patient mortality and reduce the cost of treatment. However, it can also be used as a surveillance tool.
Abilify MyCite is expected to go on sale next year.
Source background: Science Alert, Futurism, FDA, fot. CC BY-SA 2.0/ Flickr/ Andy Melton