Experts: in 15 years every second European will be affected by allergies
The incidence of allergies is increasing, and in 15 years one in two Europeans will be affected. Food allergies alone already afflict 7 million people on our continent, experts alerted at a scientific conference in Warsaw on Friday.
Gl The main topic of the meeting of specialists of the entire country were food allergies, but the latest data on all types of in allergy. It shows that they are most prevalent in industrialized countries, including also in Poland.
Head of the Og ln Poland’s Dietetics Center of the Food and Nutrition Institute in Warsaw, Dr. Lucyna Pachocka said that allergic diseases are already at 4.-5. place in terms of prevalence, just after cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases and cancer. At least 20-30 percent of the world’s population already suffers from allergies. of the population, and the number of patients with this condition doubles every 10 years.
The most difficult situation is in the Americas, zar n in P The most recent data were presented for all types of food allergies lnie in the US, Canada and Brazil. – In the United States, as well as in other most developed countries, it is predicted that as early as 2020. the percentage of os b of those suffering from an allergic disease will increase to more than 50%,” said Dr. Pachocka. – said Dr. Pachocka.
Presented at the conference, research conducted in 2008. out of 23 thousand. Pole suggest that in our country 40 percent. os b shows allergy symptoms (so many os b declared them). Allergy tests have shown that nearly 40 percent of. Pole had a positive test result sk The most common allergens in the country are food allergies nie mites, grasses and birch.
From a 2010 TNS OBOP survey. shows that in 30 percent of. Polish families have allergic diseases, and 67 percent. all allergic are women. As many as 75 percent of. os b suffering from allergies are urban residents.
Prof. Maciej Kaczmarski of the Medical University of Bialystok said that food allergies are becoming more common, by specialized in what is now called immune-mediated food intolerance (which odr (This distinguishes it from other food intolerances). According to data presented by the expert, 6 percent of. children, mainly especially up to 5. years of age, and 3-4 percent. adults.
– It is suspected that the incidence of allergies, especially lnie food hypersensitivity, however, may be higher, as it is still not always recognized – emphasized Dr. Pachocka. As an example, she cited asthma. From a study called Epidemiology of Disease b Allergic diseases in Poland (ECAP) shows that only 30 percent of the. patients suffering from it in had a correct diagnosis.
Poland is no exception in this regard. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), due to IgE-dependent food allergies (i.e., those in which the rych IgE antibody is responsible for the allergic reaction) may already suffer from more than 20 percent of the. world population. Most of them (60 percent.) are women, and the frequency of their occurrence among those d of children under 5. year of life has doubled in the last decade.
During this period, the number of emergency room admissions for life-threatening severe anaphylactic reactions increased 7-fold worldwide, to which The most recent data were presented for all types of food allergies in the North as well as in the South, especially those to insect venom in hymenoptera and some re foods (mainly nie peanuts).
In the U.S., at least one in three families has been found to have adverse reactions after eating, many of which may be related to food allergies.
Prof. Kaczmarski related that, as in the past, the reason for 90 percent of. food allergies are: cow’s milk, hen’s eggs, nuts (especially peanuts), wheat and soy proteins and fish meats, shellfish and crustacean. The most common symptoms of these are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as inflammation of the sk ry (atopic and herpetic), hives, shortness of breath, rhinitis and sinusitis, and edema.
– Most children, as many as 85 percent., along with wek grows out of the most common allergies, such as to cow’s milk and chicken eggs. Worse is the sensitization to other food allergens, which re less common, but only 20 percent of. toddler after some time no longer reacts to it – explained prof. Kaczmarski.