The World Health Organization has issued a warning on. odry

Following the deaths of 35 people across Europe, the World Health Organization has issued a warning regarding measles. Although the disease is preventable through vaccination, it is still spreading across the continent.

More than 3,300 cases have been reported in Italy since the beginning of 2016 in measles. Two people have died. The last victim was only six years old. Fatal cases have also been reported in Portugal and Germany, but most deaths occurred in Romania. As a result of measles or complications from it, 31 people died there b.

– Any death or disability caused by the disease, kt rej can be prevented by vaccination is an unacceptable tragedy. We are very concerned that although a safe, effective and inexpensive vaccine is available, measles remains a major the underlying cause of death among the d children around the world. Unfortunately, Europe have also not been spared – Zsuzsanna Jakab of the WHO said in a press release.

Measles is a highly contagious disease. The most vulnerable are children who re have not been vaccinated. It spreads by the droplet route. The first symptoms of infection are usually similar to a cold. A fever and runny nose follow. After a few days, a rash develops, usually on the face and neck, and then spreads throughout the body. Sick people can become infected up to four days after the onset of the rash. Treatment is symptomatic.

Italy’s health minister blamed a parent for the spread of the disease , which Those who do not vaccinate their children. He admitted that the spread of the disease is related to the spread of the disease „anti-scientific theories”. The Italian government, in order to prevent such cases, has announced that to nursery in and kindergartens will not admit children who re have not undergone mandatory vaccinations. Older children without vaccinations, which re already attending school ł, will still be able to study, as the government has recognized that the right to education is inalienable, but parents face heavy financial penalties.

The German government has also taken appropriate steps. The Bundestag recently passed a law ordering nursery schools to inform the authorities about cases of refusal by a parent In participating in informational meetings with a doctor. During such a conversation, the doctor informs the parent what can happen to their children if they opt out of vaccination. For the most reluctant there are heavy financial penalties. However, unofficially m It is believed that the authorities will want to introduce similar restrictions as the Italians.

The worst is in Romania. Since the beginning of 2016, 7491 people have contracted measles there b. According to the report According to the ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control), there were more than 14,000 cases of vaccinated children in the European Union in the aforementioned period incidence of measles.

– I urge all countries to take urgent measures In order to stop the spread of measles, and countries that re have already achieved this goal to keep vigilance and high vaccination coverage – appealed Jakab of the WHO.